Do Socks Goo Down This Time of Year Because of Taxes


a Read the article and decide what it is mainly about.

A The impact of cheap flights on the environment.

B How budget airlines are helping to save the planet. C The ways in which airlines can cut their costs.

b Read the article again and choose a, b, or c.

1 Environmental groups want governments a to close low-cost airlines.

b to reduce air travel.

c to increase air fares.

2 Aircraft emissions will be the main source of greenhouse gases

a by 2020.

b by 2030.

c by 2050.

3 Airlines will have to buy permits a to pay for the fuel they use.

b to be able to enter a European airport.

c to compensate for the dangerous gases their aircraft emit.

4 In the opinion of the representative from British Airways

a the estimate of aircraft emissions for 2050 is exaggerated. b people should be allowed to choose how to reduce

emissions of carbon dioxide.

c road transport is a greater source of C02 emissions than air transport.

5 The European Parliament wants to introduce a scheme to cover

a all flights using an airport inan EU country. b all international flights worldwide.

c only flights from one European country to another.

c Look at the highlighted words or phrases. What do you think they mean? Check with your dictionary.


Who isn't tempted by adverts for cheap flights by low-cost airlines? It seems like the ideal solution to broa<ien your h_orizons and go out to see something of the world. But now governments are becoming increasingly concerned about the �impa.ct of air travel on the environment. and politicians are under pressure

from environmental groups to stop the growth in low-cost flights.

Ai r travel is the fastest-growi ng sciu rce of greenhouse gases, and flights are on course to dou ble by 2020 and triple by 2030..Emissions from ai rcraft, pri nci pa lly carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and water

va pou r, contribute i n pa rt to the effect of global wa rmi ng. If aviation conti n ues expa nding at the same rate as it has done i n previous yea rs, it will become the main source of C02 em issions by the middle of the centu ry.

Pla ns 'to Dai.the increase i n a i r travel i ncl ude introduci ng a tax on jet fuel, selling permits to airlines to cover thei r output of carbon dioxide, and stopping the expa nsion of existing airports. Ai rli ne

compa nies will be forced to put u p thei r prices to cover these costs,

ma king air travel much more expensive for passengers. It looks li ke the days of a cheap weekend brea k i n Venice cou ld be over.

I n response to these pr9p.s.a.Js, airli nes i nsist that the im pact of aviation on the environment is not sufficiently u nderstood to

justify i ntrod uci ng such drastic measu res. A representative from the environ mental affa i rs department of British Airways admitted that

a i r travel cou ld ,accou nt for nea rly half of the total C02 emissions by 2050, but a lleged that the proposals would li mit society's choice on how the gases should be reduced. He said that society m ight prefer to contin ue to allow flig hts to grow and reduce emissions elsewhere, such as i n power generators or road tra nsport.

The Eu ropea n Pa rl iament is at present debati ng the environmental impact of air travel, and politicia ns are drawing up plans for a scheme to cover all flights a rrivi ng at or depa rti ng from all airports i n the

Eu ropea n Union. However, the scheme is l ikely to be limited i n the

early yea rs to flights within Eu rope i n order to avoid legal challenges from the United States and other cou ntries.

As the yea rs go by it is becomi ng clea r that it is not only governments who will be payi ng the price of red uci ng global wa rmi ng. I n the futu re i ndivid ua ls will be encou raged to either stay at home or contribute to the bill.


VO CAB U LARYweather

t Circle the odd one out.

1 below zero Gcorching) chilly freezing

2 mild showers pouring drizzling 3 warm boiling scorching damp

4 gale force cool breeze wind 5 mist fog smog lightning

6 blizzard hurricane hot flood

> Complete the sentences with a suitable word.

1 We're having a heatwave . It's not usually so hot at this time of year.

2 Ifyou're travelling in India, it's best to avoid the m__ season.

3 It rained so hard that there were serious f__ in low-lying areas.

4 The h was completely unexpected and the balls of ice nearly broke our greenhouse!

5 Hundreds of trees fell down during the h____ and several houses were destroyed.

6 The government is encouraging everyone to save water because of the d.__

- Match each adjective to a noun.

1 strong a skies

2 low b periods

3 clear c rain

4 dry d fog

5 heavy e temperatures

6 thick f sunshine

7 icy g roads

8 bright h winds

lj� l!Utn�Student's Book p.150 Vocabulary Bank

3 P RO N U N CIATI ONvowel sounds

a Which words have the same vowel sound? Complete the chart with the words from the list.

drizzliag drought gale heatwave

below zero hurricane lightning pouring

chilly breeze showers scorching
- OCl i} [[] &fS J . . � . '
hailstorm soaked flood bright

b Practise saying the words in a.

fj!tt!l!ltm�Student's Book p.158 Sound Bank

4 G R AM MARfuture perfect and future continuous

a Check what you know. Revise the rules. Then do b.

� future forms

begoing to + infinitive future plans and intentions

My sister's going to adopt a child. Are you going to buy a new car?

I'm not going to go to New York next week.


I think they're going to win. (They're playing very well.) It's going to rain. (The sky is very dark.)

� Use going to NOT will I won'twhen you have already decided to do something.

� With the verb go you can leave out the infinitive.

I'm not going (to go) to New York.

present continuous be+ verb + -ing

future arrangements

We're getting married in October. They're meeting at 10.00.

She's leaving on Friday.

� You can usually use present continuous or going to for future plans I arrangements .

- going to shows that you have made a decision.

We'regoing to get married in the summer.

- Present continuous emphasizes that you have made the arrangements.

We'regetting married on July 12th. (i.e. we've booked the church)

will / shall + infinitive

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |

Do Socks Goo Down This Time of Year Because of Taxes


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