For Your Convenience I Have Forwarded the Email Againfollow Up

A sales email template library is a collection of curated sales emails that your team can use for any sales need, be it introducing your company to a prospect, following up on opportunities, or trying to close a deal. A sales email template library is a valuable resource for any and all sales teams. With a sales email template library, you reduce time to respond, ensure consistent communications, make follow-up a breeze, and speed up onboarding.

  • Templates reduce the time to respond because you don't have to write from scratch every time.
  • They also ensure that your communications are consistent across the board.
  • Templates make follow-up a breeze which, in the end, helps close the deal.
  • They help you reach out to more prospects per sales representative and therefore get a larger pool of qualified leads.
  • And last but not least, they speed up the onboarding process for new sales representatives.
Sales Email Template - Quote on Email ability to create valuable personal touches.

Email has an ability many channels don't: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale.

David Newman

When you don't have a pre-set library of sales email templates, the pressure is on. You have to write an important sales email. But you are struck with writer's block. Been there, done that? Well wouldn't it be nice if you had some sales email templates you could leverage for ideas? We figured as much, and as always, are ready to help. So we set out to gather some ideas for you to resort to when you are stuck, and there is a sales email waiting for you to act on.

Tips and Tricks When Writing a Sales Email Template

When composing an email, it is important to adhere to these 6 principles:

  1. The subject line has to arouse curiosity or fill a need, or your email is going to land in the Trash folder without your prospect even reading it.
  2. Avoid any words or phrases that will send your email to Spam either.
  3. Where possible, personalize your email with first name, or title and last name.
  4. In your email body, get to the point, i.e. what is the objective of your email and what is the benefit or are the benefits for the recipient of the email.
  5. Use bullet points, rather than just list the benefits, separated by commas; it's easier to read and easier to grasp.
  6. Include a call to action. What do you want the reader to do? Call you? Download the attached brochure? Find some time on their calendar for an appointment?

For more tips and tricks on email subject lines, read our article on 13 Best Practices for Email Subject Lines in Construction Sales. The following articles also contain helpful tips on crafting sales emails: Email Subject Lines for Networking, and Best Sales Follow-Up Email Practices with Templates. We also recommend NetAtlantic, the free email subject line grader, a tool worth bookmarking.

Sales Email Examples

So, without further ado, here are some scenarios that we hope will move the needle for you in construction sales. You can download the complete sales email template library here and keep them on tap for good measure. Pull them out when you need them and customize them to reflect your company brand!

Sales Email Template 1
You met a prospect at an industry event.

When you're at events, you talk to many attendees about a myriad of topics. And you want to make sure you connect while they still remember you and the conversation you had. Below are two sales email templates or examples to help you stay connected with event attendees.

Subject Line:
[Name], here is the Info You Were Interested at [Event]

Email Body:
Hi <Name>,
What a great event. I hope you enjoyed all of it and returned with many actionable takeaways.

Thank you for your interest in our company's services. I'm sure expanding your network of contractors and potential business partners is one of your company's main priorities. Attached is our services brochure for your review. If you'd like additional information or have any questions, please let me know. I'd be more than happy to send it over or jump on a quick call.

And of course, hope to move forward and have a more in-depth conversation at your convenience. Let me know what day/time works best for you.

[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Contact Details]

Sales Email Template 2
You met a prospect at an industry event – take two.

Subject Line(s):
[Name], Let's Continue Our Conversation at [Event] on [Topic]
Following up on our conversation from [Event]

Email Body:
Hi <Name>,
It was great connecting with you at [Event] about [Topic], and I have given it some more thought.

Please let me know when it would be a good time for a call so I can share the research I have done /metric I have pulled/further insights with you. Or schedule a meeting with me [link to calendly or other app you use to schedule meetings] at your convenience.

[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Contact Details]

Sales Email Template 3
You're a stranger to the prospect.

You've never worked with this prospect and you need to get their attention. A good approach is always to ask a question. Or share metrics or useful information. Peak their curiosity. Here are sales email templates that you can use for inspiration.

Subject Line:
Having Trouble Finding Diverse Subcontractors?

Email Body:
Hi [Name],
I am sure you will agree it is challenging to find experience, expertise, a solid safety record, and diversity all rolled into one construction contractor/subcontractor.

Allow me to introduce [Name of Your Company]. Our company covers the [Name of] area, and we pride ourselves on the following credentials:

  • 10 years experience in [insert service]
  • A solid portfolio of projects [link to it]
  • Certified engineers on our team
  • CMCI certified (in the case of a GM)
  • OSHA certified  w/ 100% safety record
  • Diversity

Attached is a brochure with more detailed information about our company and some examples of our work.
May I please ask that we set aside a few minutes for a quick intro? You can schedule a meeting with me [link to calendly or other app you use to schedule meetings] at your convenience.

[Contact Details]

Email Template 4
You're a stranger to the prospect – take two.

Subject Line:
47% of Construction Projects are Design Build

Email Body:
Hi [Name],

Design build is fast becoming a preferred construction method, but our company has been doing it for X number of years. Our expertise covers team selection, project planning, design, GMP/bidding, permitting, and construction.

Attached are examples of projects we took from start to finish. After looking through them, we trust you will keep us in mind for your next development project.
May I please ask that we set aside a few minutes for a quick intro? Or set up a meeting [link to Calendly or your scheduling app] so I can learn more about your company and how we could serve your needs.

[Contact Details]

Sales Email Template 5
You have contacted a prospect unsuccessfully before.

You've contacted this prospect before without success. But you know you can be of service to this potential client. And you don't give up easily because you know follow-up accounts for 25% of your win rate. Here's a sales email template to help in this situation.

Subject Lines:
Following up on our proposal for XYZ development
What is Our Value-Add to Your Next Project?

Email Body (Don't forget to include a copy of the previous email/Use approach below if you pick subject line #3):
Hi [Name],
We were very excited to learn about the XYZ development and believe our team can contribute several benefits to the project. Some examples: [add your own but keep the list short]:

  • 10 years experience in [insert service]
  • A solid portfolio of projects [link to it]
  • Certified engineers on our team
  • CMCI certified (in the case of a GM)
  • OSHA certified with 100% safety record
  • Local to the area

Attached is our services brochure with more detailed information about our company and some examples of our work.

Thank you for your time,
[Contact Details]

Sales Email Template 6
You just called a prospect and left a voice message.

It is considered a best practice to follow up voice messages with an email to show that you are intent on reaching the prospect and not merely cold calling. This doubles your chances of connecting with the prospect.

Subject Line:
[Name], I just left a voicemail about [subject]

Email Body:
Hi [Name],
I just left you a voicemail but wanted to drop you a line by email in case this is more convenient for you.

I'm reaching out because it looks like we may be able to add value to future projects your company bids as a GC.

  • We're skilled in <insert area of specialty(ies)> with X number of years' experience in the residential/commercial construction industry.
  • I've attached a few case studies of how we've helped teams like yours bid competitively and score repeat business.
  • You can also visit our website <link to website> to learn more about our expertise and accomplishments.

I'd love to connect with you about your specific needs. Please give me a call if convenient, or feel free to reply here.

Thank you,
[Contact Details]

Email Template 7
You received an ITB/RFP a while back & you sent your proposal. You're checking on the status of the project & following up on your proposal.

This is a classical example of how important follow-up is. It is crucial that you stay top of mind.

Subject Line:
Following up on [Company Name]'s Proposal for [Project Name, Place]

Email Body:
Hi [Name],

Thank you for the opportunity to bid [Project Name] in [Place]. We submitted our proposal on [Date]. Can you please let me know whether you received our proposal and what the status of the project is?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Thank you,
[Contact Details]

Sales Email Template 8
You received a response had a conversation about a project, but no RFP/ITB yet

Again, follow-up can get you the invitation to bid and if not, you can learn why not for future reference. Tracking the sales pipeline from prospecting through bidding through follow-up to winning/losing the job are important metrics that can save you time and money in the long run.

Subject Line:
Following up on [Project, Place]

Email Body:
Hi [Name],

We spoke/exchanged emails on [Date] about [project/Place] but I am still waiting for the invitation to bid, so just following up to make sure we don't miss the bid due date. Is the project still a go?
Kindly let me know whether you still want us to bid on the project. You can also reach me at the number below.

Thank you for your time,
[Contact Details]

Email Template 9
The prospect is new to the area

You definitely want to be the first to introduce yourself and make a good impression.

Subject Line:
Welcome to City of [City Name]

Email Body:
Hi [Name],

We at [Name of Your Company] are excited to welcome [Name of His/Her Company] to [City]. Congratulations on the move and thanks in advance for growing our industry and consequently our city and community. Please allow me to introduce myself and our company:

I am [Your Name], [Title] with [Your Company Name]. Our company was founded here in [year]. We are skilled in <insert area of specialty(ies)> with [X] years of experience in the residential/commercial space.

I've attached our project portfolio to showcase how we've brought value to developers/GCs like you. You can also visit our website <link to website> to learn more about our expertise and accomplishments in construction.

While I realize you might be busy setting things up, I'd appreciate the opportunity to introduce myself in person, and learn more about you and your company. We can meet for a quick lunch at one of the spots in town. In the meantime, I am here to answer any questions you may have or help with any connections you might need.

Looking forward to connecting with you,
[Contact Details]

Sales Email Template 10
One of your clients works with the prospect

This is a great networking opportunity to leverage and learn more about a prospect.

Subject Line:
[Name] from [Company] Suggested I Reach Out

Email Body:
Hi [Name],

[Name] from [Company] and I collaborated on many successful projects for the past [X] years and suggested I introduce myself.

I am [name], [your title] with [your company name]. We're skilled in <insert area of specialty(ies)> with [x] years of experience. I've attached our project portfolio to highlight how we've brought value to companies like yours. You can also visit our website <link to website> to learn more about our expertise and accomplishments in construction.

I'd love to connect with you about a possible collaboration. Please give me a call if convenient, or feel free to reply here.

Thanks for the consideration,
[Contact Details]

Further Reading

  • How to Motivate Your Sales Team in Construction
  • Sales Pipeline Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Email Subject Lines Examples and Tips for High Open Rates
  • Email Subject Lines for Networking: Examples & Best Practices
  • How to Build a Professional Proposal Template in Word
  • How to Build a Successful Construction Sales Calendar
  • Construction Proposal Example – Proposal Examples that Make an Impact


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